giovedì 3 febbraio 2022

Satanist Insider espone i suoi eroi



"L'Oscuro Signore, Peter Mandelson, a sinistra, oltre ad essere apertamente gay, è uno dei massimi iniziati nel Regno Unito. È stato addestrato nel sistema di ebdomadria della Magia, lo stesso sistema utilizzato sia dalla Loggia Alpha che dall'Ordine di Nove Angoli La sua stretta associazione con figure imprenditoriali internazionali e il gruppo Bilderberg sono stati di grande, anzi inestimabile utilità per il sentiero della mano sinistra.

"Seguendo tradizioni ben ponderate e ben affinate, il suo sogno è una comunità globale in una griglia carceraria. Ama controllare. E 'Mandy' come è noto a coloro che lo conoscono meglio, è acuto e pericoloso come uno stiletto.
"È Mandelson che ha contribuito a trasformare gli europei in servi della gleba per le banche europee. L'Europa sta ora tornando a una struttura neofeudale con i banchieri come padroni della loro cittadinanza a contratto. Gran Bretagna, America e il resto del mondo andranno allo stesso modo. I politici cleptocratici sono semplicemente dei vassalli".

di Aloysius Fozdyke

Satana è l'unico Dio a cui importa! Ha sempre voluto ciò che è meglio per l'umanità, ma ciononostante dà alle pecore ciò che vogliono veramente. Satana non ha mai preteso l'adorazione, nemmeno del bastardo ebreo e omosessuale morto da duemila anni! Satana esige studio, applicazione, ma soprattutto - Azione!

You know what's coming. I've told you before. And because no one did anything, it stands to reason that what's coming is what you want. Economics, it's more important than politics. In America, the food shortages will be like nothing ever seen before.

How do you reckon superannuation/pension funds are going, given the economic destruction of the lockdowns? When interest rates rise, any ideas on the consequences to economies sustained on inflation? Same everywhere that matters.

Cancer rates - especially in those who have had cancer - will rise. Cancer rates already are, but this is just the beginning. Muzzles ensure high blood carbon dioxide which cancer cells need to produce alcohol and therefore multiple. Little children forced to breath in their own body waste. It's great! They were only going to grow up to be like their parents anyway.

There will be no effective uprising and nothing and no one can stop us.

You've paid for the brutal criminality, needless suffering, myriad repressions and death being unleashed, so give yourselves credit. The vaccinated are the walking dead. Rest easy, as I do, in the knowledge that more is coming.

The NWO is Chinese, so unless you're Chinese, you and yours missed out. You know that the Chinese don't use modifying rna vaccines, but old-fashioned protein-based ones, don't you?


I know my work will continue after my death, but before I go to walk with Satan, in His world and with His Bride, Baphomet; these individuals deserve more than I can give them.

First and foremost, my Teacher and Magus, the late and devoted Petor Narsagonan who was known by many names. About forty years ago he obtained The Epistle of Matthias in the Philippines. That was when the Order of Nine Angles started going public.

Yevgeny Mastemer: Luciferian, Magician, banker and late Systems' Man par excellence. Known by many names, his fingers seemingly in every pie. One of the great unknown, international men of history. Charmingly urbane, stylishly sophisticated, highly educated, and like Petor, a cravat/ascot wearer. Deeply missed.

SPYward1.jpgDr. Stephen Thomas Ward (left): Living God and Master Magician. No one will ever know the full truth, but the coming Chinese Empire owes much to him. He influenced the Satanic Alpha Lodge. Petor and I carried on his Work, now coming to fruition - with (amongst many others) John Winston Howard, 33 degree and the late Barry S. J. O'Keefe AM, QC; deeply Catholic, but we'll exploit anyone and anything.  (See Stephen Ward was a KGB Agent.)

Peter James Carrol: Master Magician and Physicist.

Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino: Exponent of psychological warfare and eloquent, living room Magician; disciple of H.S. Levey.

Matthew Lawrence: Despite recent obstacles, his work will continue.

The monarchists of Australia, New Zealand and Canada together with their republican counterparts, UGLE Freemasonry, plus the Returned Services League of Australia. They will never know and just as well.

H.W. and G.T. Armstrong for showing the way and the Hillsong Church.

charlie.jpgBaron Charlie Falconer of Thoroton. He showed us how to prove the vice-regal appointment documents for Australia, New Zealand and Canada were forged by Jack William Straw and we gave his information to the Chinese government.


As I've stated, a huge economic crash is very, very close. After that, a theocratic, stratified, feudal world brutally enforced by technology. The Usher of Desecration walks amongst us and Vindex is coming. I've long recommended silver as silver is Satan's metal.

Infine, voglio ringraziare te, la sporcizia compiacente per aver fatto la cosa giusta.

Ricorda, 'il signore è il mio pastore...' e come tutti i buoni pastori, alla fine ti conduce al tuo macello, perché è quello che fanno i pastori.

Le vostre divinità stanno dormendo, mentre le nostre si stanno manifestando e voi ancora non vedete. Satana ti ama! E anche noi.



Correlati - Makow - Spiegazione del satanismo     Il male è organizzato e ha fondi illimitati. Tutto ciò che abbiamo è credere in ciò che è buono, vero, sano e salutare; e la resistenza per sostenere questa convinzione.

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